
Form a chain of multi-bacteria probiotic flora in the intestine,
transforming and decomposing any harmful substances generated by metabolism.

  • ■ Form a chain of multi-bacteria probiotic flora in the intestine, transforming and decomposing any harmful substances generated by metabolism.
    ■ Change the molecular structure of substances, high assimilation, high homogeneity, high-speed transmission of nutrient molecules to the cells of various organs, can be absorbed immediately.
  • ■ Maximize the effectiveness of the life system that the human body decomposes, absorbs, and transmits.
    ■ Strengthen immune system function, enhance cell and antibody activity.
  • ■ The contained enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, and active ionic elements can immediately increase the power of the organs and the vitality of red blood cells and white blood cells.
    ■ Improve digestion and stabilize blood circulation.
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